Child Development Center, Colorado Springs, Occupational, Physical Thereapy
Sunday, December 22, 2024
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General Growth Checklist

At 6 Months…

Rolls from stomach to back
Pushes up on arms
Reaches for toy
Transfers toy from one hand to the other
Holds head up
Looks for noise made near him
Makes sounds for specific reasons (hunger, wet)
Helps hold bottle while drinking
Plays with toes
Pats mirror image
Puts everything into his mouth
Watches toys held in front of him and moved slowly.
Sits by self

At 1 Year…

Pulls self to stand and stands alone  momentarily
Crawls on all fours
Understands the meaning of NO and BYE-BYE
Repeats sounds made by others
Feeds self cookies or crackers (may not be neat)
Waves bye-bye
Plays “Pat-A-Cake” or “Peek-A-Boo”
Turns pages of a magazine or book (more than one at a time)
Picks up small objects with thumb and index finger

At 2 Years…

Walks well
Walks up steps, two feet on a step
Speaks several words which are understandable and
Refers to self by name
Recognizes self in mirror
Feeds self with spoon (may spill some)
Drinks from a cup
Occupies self in play
Plays with an adult (rolls ball to adult)
Builds a tower of four blocks
Puts two words together; “More juice”.
Shows body parts (eyes, nose, toes) when asked

At 3 Years…

Walks up steps, one foot for each step
Runs easily
Unbuttons buttons
Unwraps candy
Uses words to make needs known
Speaks in three-word sentences:
“Mommy go home.”
Undresses self
Is toilet trained
Helps adults (when told) by putting away toys
and clothes
Turns pages one at a time
Recites nursery rhymes: “Mary Had A Little
Imitates adults doing simple tasks

At 4 Years…

Tells stories
Speaks clearly and can be understood by non-family members
Dresses self with help
Feeds self with fork
Washes face and hands
Gets along with other children
Balances on one foot
Builds a tower of ten blocks
Copies a circle
Matches some objects and colors

At 5 Years…

Hops on one foot
Marches in time
Catches a ball with his hands
Brushes his teeth
Cares for all toilet needs
Follows two directions: “Bring the ball and put it
on the chair”
Points to shapes (circle, square, rectangle)
Names five colors
Copies a square, circle, and cross
Counts to four
Shares and takes turns

Please call or Email us if you have any questions.


Child Development Center: 3090 N. Academy Blvd. | Colorado Springs, CO 80917
Phone: (719) 574-8300 | Fax: (719) 574-9547 | Email:

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